It appears the Macondo Well has had a hasty funeral


Is the last rite for the Macondo Well for real?

– BK Lim
– 8 Nov 2010.

After the flurry of activities at the Macondo site in the last week of October until today at 2am, the Macondo Well Site suddenly becomes quiet and abandoned. The unexpected removal of West Sirius out of the Macondo Site on 2 Nov apparently signaled a sudden 180º change in the direction of operation. The ROV video showing the solitary wellhead with the cap labeled “In Memory of the Deep Water Horizon, 11” and a steady stream of gas bubbles coming out from the southern side of the wellhead, says it all.  Is the last rite for the ill-fated Macondo Well for real?

The pictures in the figures speak for themselves.  It is a clear admission of defeat.

Click on each picture to enlarge.

Gaping holes eroded by escaping gas

New fissures developing in the seafloor.


As if on cue, the presidential Gulf Oil spill panel issued their preliminary findings to absolve BP of blame.

“No evidence was found that a conscious decision was made to sacrifice safety in order to save money, the presidential Gulf oil spill panel said in preliminary findings released Monday  8 Nov 2010.”

“Fred Bartlit, Jr., the panel’s chief investigator, said in his presentation to the seven-member oil spill commission that he agreed with about 90 percent of BP’s findings, although the company left out some critical details and there were other areas where the panel’s probe will conflict.”

“““End of Quote.

If such blatant abuse of power, safety inconsideration, misconduct and public display of deception can be tolerated, there is little hope for the future. More man-made catastrophes loom in the horizon.  Tony Hayward can have his life of luxurious yachting back but can the American Public?  Can a dead well rest in peace when it is not really dead?

See the gapping fissures and blown out craters around the well before the BOP was removed and more cement pumped in on 6 Nov 2010 to fill up them up. These are understandably temporary patch-ups as the Macondo Disaster has already tilted beyond Patch-UP.

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28 Responses to It appears the Macondo Well has had a hasty funeral

  1. 322skull says:

    Excelllllennnt……….The magick number is 3…………………..word for word……………..A fortiori…………….322

  2. anadianant says:

    As this story goes into stranger and stranger places and one considers the sheer lunacy of the people in control (the reports of Gulf Oil Sickness are not in the MSM at all), strange thoughts come to mind.

    Is there a mini-nuke sitting in that new BOP cap, waiting to be false-flagged? Would a scene of such a disaster be left un-monitored, so soon? Especially seeing all the activity around the well-bore (bottom of BOP stack and around).

    What are they capable of triggering and when?

    So damn sad though!

    Thanks for keeping the spotlight on BK.


  3. Emery says:

    Does anybody in America care anymore? To be honest nobody seems to give rats ass. The BP run US government propaganda machine wins over the stinking reality of ruined lives and fisheries and oceans. If Americans can be so deceived and complacent about something as significant as the gulf disaster, what does it say for everything else going on in the world? It shows who is really running America and the world. It is not the American people. It is the NWO corporations. We don’t even get a seat at the table of power anymore.

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